New Procedure for SSHRC Submissions

Effective 1 September 2024


To continue providing high-quality pre-award administrative support to our SSHRC grant applicants, ORS is adjusting the internal deadline submission procedures for all SSHRC grants.

Because ORS is unable to view the entire SSHRC application until applicants “submit” in the portal, we have experienced increasing issues with partner letters, co-applicant invitations, CV uploads and other ancillary module submissions not being completed or being completed erroneously. This is causing challenges both for applicants and administrators.

To provide ORS with a full picture of the grant with sufficient lead time to address these issues, researchers will now complete the “submissions” task in the SSHRC portal by the internal ORS deadline, and provide a PDF copy of the application to the ORS inbox, along with the RPIF.

New process:

ORS deadline of 5 business days prior to sponsor deadline requires:

  1. Receipt by email of RPIF signed by (1) researcher, (2) Department / School head and (3) Dean/ Associate Dean, Research
  2. Applicants to SUBMIT the entire grant in the relevant portal, download a PDF copy and send to ORS via email.


What’s different:

  1. Applicants will need to have all uploads, invitations and modules completed and verified in the portal prior to submitting to ORS.
  2. Faculty and Department leaders will need to articulate what portions of the grant they need to receive from applicants along with the RPIF for Department/School and Faculty signatures.


IMPORTANT: When SSHRC applicants “submit” in the portal, it is routed to ORS for compliance review and forwarding to SSHRC. If either the applicants or ORS notice an error during the compliance timeline, ORS can return submitted applications to applicants prior to the SSHRC deadline for adjustments.

To request an application’s return, applicants can email SSH Research Development Officer Brianna Wells (, and they can do so until noon on the SSHRC deadline day.


Submission Instructions for UBCO Applicants

For questions regarding internal submission procedures, please contact