Interior Universities Research Coalition (IURC) BC Interior region Seed Grant Research Fund: Sixth Call for Proposals

Maximum Value


Sponsor Deadline

February 3, 2025

UBCO RPIF Deadline

January 27, 2025 4:00 PM

NOI/LOI Deadline

December 13, 2024 4:00 PM

UBCO E-submission Deadline


Program Description

The Interior Universities Research Coalition (IURC) and the BC Ministry of Health (Ministry) have established a BC Interior Region Seed Grant Research Fund, through the Ministry’s Research Seed Grant Program. This fund aims to encourage inter- institutional research, in health-related areas, between researchers at Thompson Rivers University, the University of Northern British Columbia, and the University of British Columbia (Okanagan) and foster collaboration with Ministry on research-related program areas.

Projects must be lead by a full time on-going or tenure-track faculty at one of the three IURC Institutions and include researchers from at least two of the IURC institutions, but may include researchers from other institutions in the project. One or two projects will be selected for funding.

This sixth call for proposals is focused on research relating to the following questions identified by the Ministry:

  1. How do First Nations, Métis and Urban Indigenous partners who are in receipt of health, mental health, or social sector funding currently experience requests for progress and financial reporting, and how might health, mental health, and social sector funding agencies incorporate Indigenous-led reporting mechanisms to demonstrate program impact, reflect Indigenous worldviews, ease reporting burden on Indigenous communities and partners, and decolonize reporting processes?
  2. Identify the challenges/barriers (negative impacts) and facilitators/enablers (positive impacts) that affect (1) post-secondary institution enrollment into health career programs (including career laddering programs), (2) program completion, and/or (3) health workforce attrition within the first five years of employment post-graduation for Indigenous Peoples in British Columbia.
  3. To what extent do Employed Student Nurse (ESN) Programs across BC’s Health Authorities optimize opportunities for student nurses to work in health care, and how can they be improved to support practice readiness and enhance intentional recruitment and retention?

Full Program Terms

Proposal Development Support

For support in preparing a UBCO-led application, please get in touch with the contact below:

Sandra Spencer, Director, Innovation

How to Apply

The first step in this process is to review the full program terms and prepare a brief (150-200 words) Expression of Interest (EOI) that identifies the Principal Applicant and their institution, which of the above-noted three research questions they are interested in pursuing, and a brief description of the research project they are proposing. The EOI must be submitted electronically to by 4:00 pm Pacific Time on December 13, 2024.

All eligible EOIs received by the above-noted deadline will then be provided to a member of the Ministry’s Research and Technology Branch, who will arrange meetings with each EOI proponent and the Ministry program area who submitted the research question. Meetings will be held in early December through mid-January, to discuss the proponent’s EOI in advance of preparation of a full proposal.

Those invited to submit a full proposal are to submit as a single PDF document prepared according to the program terms and must be submitted electronically to by 4:00 pm Pacific Time on February 3, 2025.

Last updated: 2024-12-04 09:49