Research Facilitation


ORS workshop

Our Services

  • Criteria Review*

We review your application and offer suggestions designed to enhance the  its response to evaluation criteria and meet best practices for a given program. Unless otherwise posted, please submit to us at least 10 days before the internal grant application deadline.

  • Editorial Review*

A close read that focuses on flow, structure, syntax and grammar and helps polish a nearly complete application. Unless otherwise indicated for a specific program, please submit to the relevant Research Development Officer at least 10 days before internal deadline for editorial review.

*In many cases, criteria and editorial review will be conducted simultaneously.

  • Technical Review

This visual scan through a completed application checks for issues with formatting such as headers, pagination, font, budget, and correct module uploads. Unless otherwise indicated for a specific program, submit a PDF of the complete application to the relevant Research Development Officer by the internal deadline.

  • Program-specific resources for major funding opportunities, including workshops, writing retreats, one-on-one consultations, templates and guides for developing budgets including ICR rates.
  • Access to UBC system-wide resources for major funding opportunities, including  Sample Grant Library, UBC Peer Review, Institutional Programs Office (IPO).
  • Coordinating with the Vancouver campus’s Support Programs to Advance Research Capacity (SPARC) team for internal peer review on major Tri-agency competitions
  • Liaising with funding agencies to clarify program terms and confirm project, team and research eligibility for major funding programs.
  • Collaborating to support inter and multi-disciplinary programs (i.e. NFRF), large network and team grants, and/or major strategic grants.
  • Assisting with development of effective EDI plans and integration of Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) considerations in funding proposals.

ORS Support

In support of UBC Okanagan’s commitment to the Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) calls to action and UBC’s Indigenous Strategic Plan, UBCO supports researchers in engaging in meaningful, culturally safe, and reciprocal Indigenous research collaborations and partnerships. Indigenous-led research support is also guided by the Tri-agency Strengthening Indigenous Research Capacity (SIRC) initiative. Among other strategic work, this facilitation includes ensuring Indigenous-led grant and research proposals are appropriate for Indigenous collaborators and in alignment with Indigenous community priorities, protocols, and ethics.

Indigenous Research Facilitator


Co-developed and additional resources available via the Indigenous Research Support Initiative (IRSI) at the UBC-Vancouver Campus.

Research facilitation for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary competitions is principally offered for the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) competitions. Support for non-NFRF competitions is available as capacity allows. Please contact the Research Development Team for support.

The Eminence Program also supports interdisciplinary research (for VPRI internal funding opportunities, contact the VPRI Internal Programs Manager).


  • NFRF Exploration Support Schedule: stay up to date on upcoming competitions with the Funding Opportunities page. The program involves submitting a non-competitive and an application in November. Full reviews are offered in September and October to those who have submitted an NOI. Please contact Melanie Fenton if you are interested in this competition.


Considerations of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) are increasingly important in funding applications. For one-on-one support, please contact the relevant Research Development Officer(s) related to the grants you are developing.



Additional VPRI Portfolio Support

Institutional program support is available throughthe Office of the Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation for major federal, provincial and regional research awards, including the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF) and Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan). Support is also available for large-scale institutional research projects and the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) program.

Contact Institutional Programs Officer

We work closely with our UBC Vancouver colleagues in the Support Programs to Advance Research Capacity (SPARC) office to support research development and grant funding applications.