Research Security

Federal Funding Requirements

As of Spring 2024, two distinct policies on research security apply to applications for federal research funding. Each policy and its associated processes and requirements are described below.

NOTE: Grants will not be forwarded by ORS if they do not include required forms.

Policy on Sensitive Technology and Research Affiliations of Concern (STRAC)

This policy aims to safeguard Canadian research that advances sensitive technology. Researchers must complete and submit a STRAC attestation form with their grant application for funding opportunities that launch as of May 1, 2024 for:

  • CFI programs
  • All Tri-Agency grant applications submitted by a university or affiliated research institution that aim to advance a Sensitive Technology Research Area (STRA)”

Required form(s): If your research advances a listed STRA, all researchers with named roles in the grant application are individually required to complete the Attestation Form (fillable PDF). The primary applicant must collate these forms into a single PDF for the grant application and submit it along with the RPIF.

Note: research that aims to advance a listed STRA will not be funded if any of the researchers involved in activities supported by the grant are currently affiliated with, or in receipt of, funding or in-kind support from any of the Named Research Organizations (NRO) listed by the federal government. The government has identified these research organizations and institutions as those that pose the highest risk to Canada’s national security due to their direct or indirect connections with military, national defence and state security entities.

Related Resources:

The National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships (NSGRP)

The NSGRP apply to federally funded research that includes a private-sector partner with the aim of consistent, risk-targeted due diligence of potential risks to research security.

Required form(s): If your research involves a private sector partner you must complete a Risk Assessment Form (RAF). CFI applications also require a Partner Identification Form. Researchers must complete the RAF and Partner Identification form (for CFI only) and submit it to the Research Security team for review before ORS will forward the application to the agency. A completed RAF and draft application can be sent to They will communicate directly with ORS once reviews are completed.

These form(s) are currently required for the following competitions when private-sector partners are involved:

  • CFI programs (effective immediately)
  • NSERC Alliance (ongoing since 2021)
  • CIHR Project Grants (beginning Fall 2024)

Related Resources:

Support for researchers

ORS Support — UBC Okanagan

We are here to support you in understanding how research security impacts federal funding applications. Our team can answer questions on STRAC attestations and RAFs and works closely with colleagues in UBC’s Research Security Team.

Please contact for research security support relating to a grant application from the Okanagan campus.

UBC Research Security Team

The UBC Research Security team supports all UBC researchers and scholars to navigate, understand and comply with federal government policies and guidelines designed to protect publicly funded research and intellectual property from national security risks throughout the research lifecycle.

Visit the UBC Research Security website for comprehensive information on UBC and Government of Canada policies and practices.

Related Resources: